Spotsylvania Volunteer Rescue Squad

Combined County Call Stats
Mon 2023 2024 2025
Jan 1610 1684 1617
Feb 1456 1408 1498
Mar 1498 1542
Apr 1588 1569
May 1604 1602
Jun 1694 1632
Jul 1655 1484
Aug 1684 1588
Sep 1537 1615
Oct 1545 1587
Nov 1561 1467
Dec 1675 1670
Total 19107 18848 3115

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January 30, 2007
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Mar 22, 2025


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Signed on July 21, 2022 at 4:29 PM
Name: mike moss

keep up the great work guys!!

Signed on March 22, 2022 at 11:44 AM
Name: Jennifer Walsh-Arvelo
Rank/Title: Former SVRS member
Location: Spotsylvania, VA

Miss you all!! Stay safe!!

Signed on April 03, 2017 at 4:19 AM
Name: Tom Brenton
Rank/Title: Director
Web Address:

Thank you for being such a great team. You literally saved my life. It could have been a nightmare. Wish you all the best.

Signed on May 04, 2015 at 6:53 PM
Name: Noah Holliday
Rank/Title: Civilian
Web Address:
Location: Spotsylvania, VA

Hi everyone!! I am a VERY huge fan of all of you Emergency Service personnel!! You guys are AMAZING, Shout out to Rescue Chief Bill!! We visited Thornburg Vol. Fire Department and we met Rescue Chief Bill. He is VERY cool!! Thanks and keep up the GREAT work guys!! :D

Signed on October 19, 2013 at 2:01 PM
Name: Arthur Whittaker
Rank/Title: PFC in USMC

HELLLOOOO MY FRIENDS!!! I miss you all very much. It has been far too long. You guys keep doing what your doing and keep moving forward. I'll be talking to you soon.


Signed on June 18, 2013 at 9:26 AM
Name: Tony Stepansky
Rank/Title: EMT-P, Operations Chief- Capron Rescue
Location: Capron IL

Awesome Website !! One of the best I have ever seen. Keep serving and keep safe.

Signed on January 21, 2013 at 8:44 PM
Name: Stephen Cloutier

I am one of the original founding members of the SVRS. Please correct the spelling of my name on your history webpage. I also have a few color photos of the squad unit. Please let me know if you would like them. Please keep me on your mailing list. All the best to those that have served the squad over the past 39 years.

Signed on October 23, 2011 at 2:55 AM
Name: Susan O
Rank/Title: civilian

Thank you for what you do, for the passion to do it well, and the humor to take it all in stride when things are frustrating on a call...God bless!!! Your site is great!

Signed on April 28, 2011 at 11:58 AM
Name: Allison
Rank/Title: FF-member of City of Hudson Central Station Fire Dept.
Location: Hudson,NY

Your site looks very nice! I like how ya'll have pictures =)

Signed on April 15, 2011 at 8:04 PM
Name: Keith Atkins
Rank/Title: CHT ( Certified Hyperbaric Technologist )
Location: Fredericksburg ,Virginia

I look forward to the possibility of someday working for the SVRS. This is a wonderful and informative website , kudos to all for having it and kudos to all for your dedication to the health and well-being of the community you serve.

Signed on August 03, 2008 at 6:03 PM
Name: Roger Weddle
Location: Roanoke, Virginia

It is hard to imagine that ten years have passed since I was a member of the Spotsylvania Volunteer Rescue Squad. Hardly a day goes by that I don't think about my experiences serving with SVRS. I remember when we only had 10 trucks and two response cars. Looks like you have come a long way. Would love to stop by and see the new station 1 some day.

Signed on June 14, 2008 at 2:42 PM
Name: Noel Chickering

my grandparents are Bob and Barbara Morrison and it is ah-mazing how many stories can come out of the calls tun to learn they go on. Its fun to learn about what happens when they are on the field.

Signed on January 17, 2008 at 11:06 PM
Name: David Q. Albritton
Rank/Title: BS RRT, NPS, AE-C
Location: Winchester, VA

It is AMAZING how much has changed. It seems just like yesterday I lived right around the corner from station 4 and jumped up in the middle of the night to answer a call. "Dispatch, Paramedic 631 responding!" Although so much time has passed since my days with SVRS, you are never far from my thoughts and my heart. Some of the best days of my life ... not to mention the best friends I've ever had were with SVRS. Just remember, "chow hall to chow hall" and life goes by faster than you can blink. To the BEST organization in the country, I miss you all. Jeanne, Carolyn M, the Founds, Chris H, (thanks chris for the life changing philosophy!) and everyone who made the squad more than volunteering, but a family.

Signed on September 29, 2007 at 11:13 AM
Name: John Brazier
Rank/Title: Captain 4 SVFD
Location: Spotsy County

Great website, love the videos. Love working with all of you (even if I give some a bad time haha!)

Signed on August 03, 2007 at 7:07 AM
Name: Kenneth Fowler
Rank/Title: Dispatcher Fairfax City Police

I miss it also. As a former dispatcher with Spotsylvania County I don't get to tell you guys and gals where to go anymore. Keep up the good work. I still live in the county so hopefully I will never need your services. Great web site.

Signed on June 26, 2007 at 9:27 PM
Name: Victor N. Webster
Rank/Title: Marketing Director
Web Address:
Location: South Carolina

Excellent site!

Signed on January 30, 2007 at 6:36 AM
Name: Ken Hicks
Rank/Title: President
Web Address: www.lpvrs,org
Location: Lexington Park MD

Nice looking site. Keep up all the great work you do.

Signed on January 15, 2007 at 4:51 PM
Name: Jeanne Walsh
Rank/Title: Old Friend, Paramedic, and Nurse
Location: Olmsted TWP near Cleveland Ohio

This websire looks great. I miss you all so much and have to close the website now because it it making me too sad! LOL... I hope to come visit soon and maybe I can do a ride along. Now that nursing school is finished, I am going to try to find somewhere where I can run 911 again. Unfortunatly, you have to live in the city to work for Cleveland EMS. Keep in touch, Love Jeanne

Signed on December 01, 2006 at 1:12 AM
Name: Bryan Berger
Rank/Title: EMT/EVOC
Web Address:
Location: Spotsylvania, VA

This site is dedicated to all the past, current, and future members of SVRS. We hope the site is something you can tell your friends, and the members of our community to come visit. Please give us feedback on your thoughts and impressions of the site, and its content. Thank you so much for visiting!

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Firehouse Solutions
Spotsylvania Volunteer Rescue Squad
P.O. Box 101
Spotsylvania, VA 22553
Emergency Dial 911
Station 1: (540) 507-7940
Copyright © 2025 Firehouse Solutions (A Service of Technology Reflections, Inc.)